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Chaos Rises #1

Chaos Rises

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'When the veil fell, any half bloods not strong enough to withstand Chaos were torn apart. Some, like me and my brother, survived The Fall. Most did not.

That's the good news. The bad news saw a whole other world try and devour ours. Demons, we call them. They came in countless waves. Destroying. Killing. Many people thought it was the end...

The Fall lasted a week.

Tens of thousands died.

Hell almost claimed our world as its own.

And then, from one day to the next, it was over. The veil came back, stronger than ever. I'm not sure if anyone knows how it was put right. But I do know it's been six months since The Fall, me and my brother are on the run, and the leftover demons aren't the most dangerous things in LA.
We are.'


"They have no defence against chaos." ~ Asmodeus, Ties That Bind, #5 The Veil Series.

Set in the same 'world' as the Veil Series, Chaos Rises, #1 The Chaos Series will feature some of the characters we love (and hate?), and also introduce some new faces.

The streets of LA are about to become a demon proving ground. Chaos will find a way. And as the Prince of Greed once said, "When chaos reigns, the veil falls."

If you'd like to be kept informed of all the news, sign up to Pippa's mailing list here.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 4, 2016

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About the author

Pippa DaCosta

67 books1,534 followers
Two-time DragonCon Finalist & Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalist--- "Wait a second. Let's cut to the chase. I write kick-ass urban fantasy & sci-fi novels with conflicted characters, breathless action, and no-holds-barred dialogue. My books may not leave you feeling all fluffy and warm inside, but they will excite you. There will be plot-twists, angst, probably a few dead bodies, and very likely your favorite character will turn out to be the bad guy. Don't say I didn't warn you..."


(I review on Goodreads as a reader, not a writer. Reviews here are my personal opinion, not a professional one).

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February 13, 2021
💥 Feb. 13, 2021: only $0.99 today!!!

Actual rating: 8 stars. Or maybe 10. It's a really crappy book. I have to give it some thought.

⚠️ Friendly warning: I promised I would try not to fangirl too much in this review. I lied.

⚠️ Friendly warning #2: you might OD on the word "glorious" while reading this non-fangirling review. You're welcome.

And just like that, I'm home. And it feels bloody amazing.

Damn, double damn. And triple damn. It is so awesomely awesome to be back in the world of The Veil. What? What did you just say? You don't know what The Veil is? Oh, come on! You have got to be kidding me. I knew you were a clueless bunch, my Little Barnacles, but I never imagined you could be that hopeless. The Veil, you bunch of ignorant decapods, is kinda-sorta one of the very best UF series that ever was and ever will be. Kinda. Sorta. Okay, to be honest, it's nothing I would fangirl about , but it's still pretty good. Kinda. Sorta.

#sorrynotsorry about the silly gifs. It's one of the many Awesome Pippa DaCosta Is Awesome Side Effects (APDCIASE™). It cannot be helped.

But anyway. We are back in the world of That Series You Better Read Before I Unleash The Crustaceans on You, aka Ze Veil. I have to admit that, as much as I worship Awesome Pippa DaCosta Is Awesome, I was a bit worried about Chaos Rises. I mean, this is kinda-sorta one of my favourite UF worlds ever, but I wasn't sure what it would feel like without I-Want-To-Be-Muse-When-I-Grow-Up, Yummy-Stefan, Deliciously-Assholish-Akil, and the awesome rest of the awesome cast. Oh me of little faith. I may be nefarious, but sometimes I seem to be as cluelessly hopeless as you, my Little Barnacles. This is Pippa DaCosta, for shrimp's sake! How could I think, for even a second, that this could be anything but gloriously amazing and amazingly glorious?! Shame on me for having such vile, ignominious thoughts. I deserve to be severely punished.

OF COURSE Chaos Rises is gloriously amazing and amazingly glorious! How could it not be? Awesome Pippa DaCosta Is Awesome wrote it! The woman can do no wrong. She is 200% failproof. She even has me reading and kinda-sorta loving NA, for shrimp's sake! Now if that doesn't convince you of her utter, complete, total coolawesomeness, I don't know what will.

Sorry? What was that? You've had it with the Silly Pippa Fangirling (SPF™) ? You want me to cut the SPF™ crap and start fangirling about Chaos Rises instead? Sure, no problem. I aim to please and stuff.

So. Chaos Rises. If you think I'm going to recap the story for you and tell you all about the gloriously amazing world it's set in, you are quite mistaken, my Little Barnacles. I aim to please, but not that much. Besides, if I told you all this, there would be no incentive for you to read both That Series You Better Read Before I Unleash The Crustaceans on You and Chaos Rises. So I won’t. You're welcome. All you need to know about Chaos Rises in particular, and Pippa DaCosta in general is:

This world is one of the mostest awesomest ever created. What? I already said that? And? It is. It is what? One of the mostest awesomest ever created, obviously. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

Demons and half-bloods are super-über yummy. And Pippa DaCosta writes super-über yummy demons and half-bloods like no other author. And when I say no other, I mean NO OTHER. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

Gem, our kickass heroine in residence, might be in her early twenties *shudders* but, bloody hell, is she awesome. This girl ain't no silly, immature chick, my Little Barnacles. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

Yep, this is SO glorious the crustaceans—because yes, these are crustaceans—broke into a celebratory dance. And let me tell you, that is quite unheard of in these undersea parts.

Pippa DaCosta writes gloriously fucked-up slightly complex characters like no other author. And when I say no other, I mean NO OTHER. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

Pippa DaCosta viciously and wickedly messes with your feelings. And deliciously turns you into a somewhat neurotic wreck. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

This book is one hell of a roller coaster ride. 300% guaranteed wondrously nerve-wracking, marvelously adrenaline-pumping, wonderfully action-packing packed, fast-pacing paced perfectness. And that's pretty glorious, if you ask me.

That's pretty much all you need to know, my Clueless Little Barnacles. So QED. And stuff.

And the moral of this Fascinating Non-Fangirling Review (FNFGR™) is:

And the other moral of this FNFGR™ is:

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

· Book 2: Chaos Unleashed ★★★★★
· Book 3: Chaos Falls ★★★★★
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,222 reviews101k followers
July 16, 2016
ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This world that Pippa DaCosta has created is so unique, I can't help but want to read everything in all her series, but every time I finish I feel a little let down. I mean, demons, half-demons, hierarchy between them, magical elements, different worlds, the devil himself, what more could a girl ask for in an urban-fantasy novel? Maybe an amazing concept just isn't enough?

I have only read Wings of Hope by Pippa DaCosta, and I felt the same way upon completing that book, as well: indifferent. I'm not sure if I should just grin and bear it, and try to continue on to see if my feelings sway and I can actually latch on to this world/story better. I mean, there are so many good books out there, and so little time. I'm not sure if I want to make that kind of commitment.

This story revolves around LA, and surrounds a sister in search for her missing brother, who she will do anything to find. They have had a very rough life, and only have had each other to trust and lean on. They are both half-demons, but they both carry their own powerful secrets.

In Wings of Hope we are introduced to the Prince of Greed, but in Chaos Rises we are introduced to the Prince of Pride, who ends up being the most cunning demon I've ever read about. He was my favorite character, as little as I saw of him, and I think if I saw more this book's star rating would have been increased dramatically.

Unlike in Wings of Hope where these horrible, abusive full-demons do terrible things to half-demons in the netherwold , which is only separated by the veil, Chaos Rises is set six months after the veil has been broken and demons and half-demons are populating earth right beside humans. Well, maybe not right beside humans, I mean, they are still demons and humans are freaking scared.

But, that's what the Institute was for - a lab ran by humans that were creating half-demon assassins to fight against full-demons. Before the veil, half-bloods were more powerful, because they could draw their elements in our world and the netherwold, which made them twice as powerful, but that's no longer the case.

Also, like in Wings of Hope, in Chaos Rises half-blood demons are not viewed anywhere close to equals. In fact, they aren't even free; they are always owned and deemed lesser.

Gem and her brother, Del, are owned by a full-demon named Allard. Allard has a scheme that he thinks cannot go wrong, but oh how very wrong he is.

Unfortunately, this major plot point took way too long to start up. I was already way too not invested to care. Also, on a side note, I only count six people. Is control the.... seventh? I don't even understand this crucial point. Maybe I missed it, but I feel like maybe that would be something that would stand out more in a main story line. Then, we barely learn anything about Del, the missing brother, which I understand is because he is missing throughout most the book, but there was no writing that made me feel anything towards him or be sad that he was missing in the first place.

To put it blatantly, I just completely lack empathy for this book and its characters. Li'el is the only exception, but he is barely in any of the scenes. I'm sure the next installment will be better in this series, but I'm not sure I have the motivation to want to continue on.

I just want to reiterate that this was not a bad book, even though I gave it only two stars, it just wasn't gripping to me. It is the definition of a two star rating for me: just okay. I can see many of my friends reading this and loving it, it just, unfortunately, does not cast the same spell on me.

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Profile Image for Sarah.
3,343 reviews1,235 followers
June 27, 2016
I absolutely love Pippa DaCosta's Veil series so of course I was desperate to get my hands on the spin off and have the chance to revisit the world again. You know what? Even though I had incredibly high expectations for Chaos Rises I think it managed to surpass them and I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up loving the new characters even more than the original ones! And let me just tell you that is saying something because Muse, Stefan and Akil are right up there with my favourite characters EVER.

Anyway, we have a new cast for Chaos Rises, I did wonder if our previous favourites would make an appearance but I'm actually kind of glad that they didn't. I wouldn't mind catching a glimpse of them in the future but this book is all about Gem, her brother Delta, Torrent (another half-blood of questionable loyalty) and Gem's demon boss (aka the pain in the butt that she can't quite get away from) Allard. It's hard to know how much to say about the plot of this book because I really don't want to give anything away so I think I'm going to keep this deliberately vague and focus more on the new characters.

Let's start with Gem (short for Gamma), she is one kickass half-demon who is fiercely protective of her brother. The two of them have been to hell (literally) and back but their worst enemy by far is the very human Institute who made life so difficult for Muse in the previous series. You may even remember Gem and Del being mentioned briefly in the earlier books as the half-bloods that Akil rescued from the Institute just before things went completely crazy when the Veil fell. Gem and Del have very little experience of the human world since the Institute kept them so isolated so they were easy prey for Allard and he now keeps them on a tight reign. Gem definitely isn't a pushover though and she fights back at every possible opportunity. We don't get to know Del as well in this book but I'm very intrigued about him and definitely want to know more about his powers.

Torrent is another brilliant character, it's hard to tell whether he's completely trustworthy (Pippa DaCosta is excellent at writing morally ambiguous characters!) but I'm already half in love with him. I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction between him and Gem and the way he constantly puts her on edge. She's never had anyone but Del show her even a small amount of kindness before so she's not quite sure how to react when Torrent helps her and she's definitely not sure if he can be trusted in the long run. Allard is the kind of character I love to hate, he's everything you'd expect from a powerful demon in this world and he uses every trick in the book to get the things he wants.

I'm not going to say anything more because I want readers to go in with no idea what to expect, I want you to experience the book the way I did so that you can appreciate the edge of your seat action, the brilliant characters and the fantastic world building for yourselves. I guess people who are new to Pippa DaCosta's writing (Who are you crazy people? You need to fix that issue IMMEDIATELY!) are probably wondering if they can pick up Chaos Rises without reading the Veil series. I guess my answer to that would technically be yes, this series is all about new characters that we know practically nothing about beforehand and it's the start of a definite new story arc, but the world building does continue closely from the previous story. Although you can start here personally I think you'd be crazy to skip the Veil books, purely because they are so fantastic! It is one of my favourite urban fantasy series and considering that I've read a lot of UF that's very high praise.

It's no secret that I'm a fan girl when it comes to this author, I've loved everything that she's written and Chaos Rises is no exception so I can't wait to see where she takes these characters next. It's going to feel like a very long wait for the next book but I'll be first in the queue to read it when it's published!

Source: Received from the author in exchange for an honest review (but I also purchased a copy since I love it so much and wanted to support the author)

3rd June 2016

I HAVE AN ARC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This week has been a total win for Pippa's books, first I get City of Shadows from Bloomsbury and then I get Chaos Rises directly from Pippa! Not one but TWO books from one of my favourite authors *happy dance*

I'm going to have so much fun reading these :o)

November 2015

Just look at that beautiful cover <3<3<3<3 AND it's set in the same world as the Veil series!!!!!!!!!! AND we'll get to see some familiar faces as well as meet new ones!

I think I'm about to faint from excitement :-) :-) :-)
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,725 reviews1,559 followers
September 29, 2017

The great thing about series spin offs is that you get more time in your favorite worlds. The bad thing about series spin offs is that unless there are a lot of scenery changes then sometimes you can find yourself missing characters from the original cast. I definitely miss a certain Prince of Greed but at least the Prince of Pride was available.

Gem is one of the half-bloods that we never saw in the original Veil series. All the stuff with her brother was hush hush and done off page. I was interested in what happened to them and if they made it back to our side of the Veil before the end of book 5. This starts a brand new chapter in the human world after the Veil has been restored. There aren’t a lot of demons on this side but enough that Gem and her brother find themselves in the employ of one.

Gem is a likeable enough character but she was kept asleep for most of her life and the rest of the time she was tested and honed to kill demons. She is so naïve and the world outside the Institute is something she just wasn’t prepared for. She has never even watched TV let alone used a microwave. I struggle a little with her character because she is a bit brain washed and is dependent on the use of a drug to keep her demon under wraps. But I did like the character development she goes through in this.

Li’el the Prince of Pride was one of my favorite characters in The Veil series so I was really excited to see him in this spin off. Just remember folks that when it comes to the Princes, they are masters of deception and manipulation so what you think you know might not be true.

There is also the introduction of Torrent another half-blood. He is a tortured soul who spent all of his life on the other side of the Veil and is now stuck in the human world too. He has plenty of scars both on the outside and the inside to deal with so I instantly liked him.

While not perfect I did enjoy parts of this book a lot. The twist with what Allard (another demon stuck on this side of the Veil) was trying to accomplish and how he planned to do it was very interesting. I’m still just looking for enough Chaos to be generated for a certain Prince to punch through from the other side….Greed I miss you.

But all of that said I am interested to see where this story arc goes.

You don’t have to have read the Veil series to read this but I think that your enjoyment of the book would be greatly decreased if you didn’t know what happened in The Veil series.
Profile Image for Gavin.
947 reviews410 followers
October 24, 2016
This spin-off from the Veil series was of a similar quality to the original series. Just like the Veil books it had a dark tone and featured a number of cool and evil demons!

The lead character in this one was a character we briefly met in the Veil books. Gem, along with her brother Del, were the sibling half-bloods that Akil stole out of the Institute! It was good to meet the pair again and Gem proved a likeable lead.
Since the fall and revival of the Veil the human world is a different, and more dangerous, place. The Veil might have been restored but humanity definitely knows of their existence and has to learn to deal with all the demons who got caught on this side of the Veil. Gem and Del escape back to the human realm during the fall but having no experience of the real world, due to being raised in the Institute and under the thumb of demons in the Netherworld, they soon fall prey to a smooth talking demon, Allard, who promises to protect them. It works for Gem until her brother goes missing. Soon the only person she can turn to for help is a mysterious fellow half-blood, Torrent, who's own motives are as questionable as those of her devious demon master.

The story was enjoyable enough without being anything special. If I was to really moan about something it would be that this book was just a bit too similar to the original Veil series books.Gem was Muse in all but name and the same goes for Torrent/Stefan. Another annoyance was the fact that it seems all the half-bloods suffer from chronic Stockholm Syndrome. I thought that was unique to Muse!

What we really needed more of was the Prince of Pride. The guy had a few scene stealing appearances in this one but I'd have been much happier if the guy(demon) was Gem's main love interest!

Rating: 3.5 stars.

Audio Note: Hollie Jackson was as reliable as ever with the audio.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
September 23, 2017
23/09/17 Buddy Read with the amazing UF freaks of BB&B! Because it's a Pippa book and we're all devoted worshippers.

Before I start I want to express my intense joy (I started screaming and my mother came running to see what's going on) at the announcement of a third instalment to this series. As if I wasn't excited enough about this reread.

Gem, an Institute half-blood is the MC of the first two books of the series and because of her upbringing I cut her a lot of slack. She's so painfully naive and that makes me feel so protective of her. At the same time she's a badass demon killer and beware all who get on her bad side.

As this is a reread for me I was more focused on some scenes and managed to see some clues as to what happens in the following book that are so obvious in hindsight. And it makes me feel so bad for poor little Gem. She might know how to disembowel a demon but she has zero knowledge as to how to communicate and see other people's intentions. Knowing what's in store for her I want to shelter her and give her a chance at normalcy, at a real human connection. It's incredible how much you can discover about a book when you go back and read it all over again!

Li'el aka the Prince of Pride makes an appearance here and quickly steals the show. I just adore him and can't wait to get my hands on the third instalment which promises to feature him as a MC. He's everything a Prince of Hell should be but at the same time has an appreciation for humans that no other demon ever developed. How can I not love him? I enjoyed every single sentence he was part of so damn much that I never wanted those scenes to end. yeah, yeah, I know I sound like a 13 yo fangirl but I don't give a f@ck! I need more of him and I need it now. Thankfully our buddy read calls for reading both books in a week so I can start the next book immediately!

Original review:
After reading a really dull book the other day I decided that I need something that I will love for sure so I turned to the one and only Pippa DaCosta for a guaranteed hit. And I scored gold!

Chaos Rises is set in the world of The Veil series, which is one of the most exciting fictional worlds I've ever had the privilege of encountering. It's technically a sequel series but you don't need to have read it to enjoy CR. Still I firmly believe that if you have you would appreciate Gem even more. Because I've read the Veil I won't be able to separate the two series so be warned there might be spoilers for both this book and the entire Veil series ahead.

We first encountered Gem and her brother back in the Veil series and they were wards/guinea pigs/prisoners of the Institute. I felt so sorry for them because being at the non-existent mercy of the Institute (aka Fanatic Central) is just as bad as being a slave in hell. But since at the time I was focused on other things (like whether Muse will survive and have any humanity left thanks to all of Akil's machinations) I don't remember what happened to them. Thankfully my buddies and I are planing to buddy read the series in a couple of weeks (well it'll be a reread for me and Choko but the rest are first timers and I can't wait to see what they think!). I just remember that they were powerful, brainwashed little weapons.

Now we meet them 6 months after the end of the Veil and the world is a changed place. The Veil (the boundary separating our world from the Netherworld aka Hell, not the series) is firmly in place and there's no longer traffic between the worlds. But not all demons are on the proper side of the Veil and those remaining here are doing their best to survive and thrive. Usually at other demons exence. But that's demons for you - they care only for themselves. Lovely creatures aren't they? Gem and her brother Del are half-bloods so the purebloods generally want them dead or on a leash. Gem "works" for a demon named Allard.

Allard reminds me of Akil - a conniving, treacherous bastard. Needless to say I loved him. And wanted to kill him but that's beside the point. You see he is what a higher demon should be. Not some cleaned up, romanticized, PG 13 version of a demon like in a lot of PNR and YA urban fantasy *gag*. And that's why I like him. He will do anything and I do mean anything to get what he wants. He is not a misunderstood lost soul in need of saving, that only needs the pure love of a courageous woman to redeem him *eyeroll*. Yeah, I've come across those and they are pathetic excuse for demons. You would say that he is the villain of the book but as with Akil from the Veil series, that's not necessary true. One moment he is the bad guy, the next he saves the day. And it's all part of a masterplan. And it keeps the reader on the edge of the seat because until you've read the last page of the series (yes the series) you can't be sure of the real motivations of any of the characters apart the MC.

Same goes for Torrent, though he is a mirror of Stephan from the Veil. Needless to say I'm rooting for poor Torrent and hope he will survive. There were some sparks flying between him and Gem but I'm partial to a certain Prince of Hell so I can't really decide if I want Torrent to win Gem over or if I want her to hook up with Pride. Or maybe both, or none. I'll be happy with whichever way Ms. DaCosta takes this because I know it will be awesome and full of surprises!
Profile Image for Marianne.
1,306 reviews155 followers
June 15, 2016
Some say: We are all searching for someone whose demons who play well with ours. And I found them in Chaos Rises!


I kinda knew that I would, because this is the spin-off series of the Veil series, and - let's face it - those demons were pretty awesome;-)

Okay, I might be misrepresenting them somewhat. They're kickass, not cutesy and cuddly.Hint; they dream of killing, rucking and eating men. Yes, in THAT order... Though in my defence; some of them are pretty snuggle-worthy too! (Team Akil!)

Still, there's always that little bit of apprehension: Would Chaos Rises live up to its predecessor?

But first things first. As I said; Chaos Rises is a spin-off series, and while it's okay to read CR first, you'll get a lot more enjoyment out of it if you start with The Veil. You won't be lost without it, but you'll sure miss out on some great characters (TEAM AKIL!) that will (hopefully) make some appearances in this new series as well! (I'm looking at YOU, Pippa!)


Chaos Rises focuses on Gem and Del; two half-blood siblings we met briefly in the Veil series. Just like Stephan, one of the main character in the Veil novels, these two have been trained to act as demon assassins for the Institute. Now, one week after the Veil has been restored, they are on the run, but have been forced to accept protection from Allard, another demon (with illusions of grandeur) in exchange for doing his dirty work.

While chafing under her new restrains, events aren't truly set in motion until Gem's brother goes missing and Gem is sent on a mission to retrieve a trinket of some importance from another demon in hiding in plain sight.

Enter Torrent; her half-blood pet, and demon with a mysterious past. (and quite cocky attitude - me likey! Hey, it's not MY fault. I just can't resist a demon with a large wangspan... ahem; I meant WINGspan, of course, *wink, wink*

Not that demons can be trusted, of course, but sometimes even an uneasy truce is preferable to being on your own - or under the "protection" of a power-hungry megolamaniac of epic proportions...

But you know what I liked the most about this novel?

Oh yes, it's the arrival of yet another hottie from the Veil series. Someone who's been awaiting the Return to power. Someone who is extremely PROUD of himself. As in royally proud...

"Perhaps you would like to sit little half-blood, before you swoon. It's been several years since I've had a human female swoon in my presence. Og right Ahead. I'll watch."

(Don't mind if this poor mortal woman does just that. If I had been a half-blood like Gem, I might just want to ruck him and eat him too. I'll skip the killing, though! ;-)

"I need to stretch my wings, fuck until i can't see straight, and start several riots in my name. It's been too long."

It certainly has been way too long, but thankfully the wait is over!

~eArc courtesy of Pippa in exchange for an honest review~
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,289 reviews313 followers
September 9, 2020

You're wondering how a 3-star read can be disappointing? Well, let me explain.

I've been wanting to read this series for ages; I kept it as my go-to for when I wanted to be blown away, when I needed that amazing read I was sure to get.
And what do I get for all these hopes and dreams?

A decent book.
That's all, a good, nice, decent, acceptable series that definitely doesn't 'blow me away'.

Was it enjoyable? Sure.
Were the characters ok? Yeah.
Was the plot fun? Well, yeah, it had its moments.

But, all in all, a disappointing read.

I expected more from this author, and from this series.
Profile Image for Meigan.
1,238 reviews72 followers
February 22, 2017
In Chaos Rises, half-bloods reign supreme.

Set in the same world as the beloved Veil series, author Pippa DaCosta breathes new life into an already familiar world by introducing a new cast of demons and half-bloods who make their home in the once great city of Los Angeles. Ever since the veil fell and was subsequently put back in place, the world is slowly putting itself back to rights. With a post-apocalyptic vibe, this new Los Angeles has more than its fair share of vacant pockets in the city, where humans were either killed en masse or driven out. Places such as Santa Monica have now been abandoned, leaving it perfectly open for demons to move right on in. And that they did. Santa Monica is now where many demons call home, including two half-blood siblings named Gem and Delta. Born and raised in the Institute, they've been taken under the wing of a demon known as Allard. Allard promises them protection - as long as they continue to do his bidding. Sounds nice and cozy until you realize that there are two things that Pippa DaCosta excels at - demons that lie, and demons that lie about lying. Such a shifty bunch, those demons.

Much of Chaos Rises focuses on the relationship between Gem and her brother, Delta. For as long as they've been alive, there's only been the two of them and they have subsequently forged an almost codependent relationship. Gem is willing to walk to the ends of the earth to find her brother when he goes missing, and his absence becomes the sole focus for Gem. Gem and Delta, aside from being super close, have very differing views on their various halves. Delta seems always on the verge of fully embracing his demon, while Gem is in a constant battle between her human side and her demon side. It's almost as if she doesn't want to acknowledge the demon part of her existence, preferring to merely quiet the demon as much as possible with the Institute-created drug, PC34A. Gem and Delta are certainly a pair of conflicted characters, and it'll be really interesting to see if either one learns to embrace each side of themselves equally.

Aside from Gem, there were several other key players introduced in this first installment. Torrent, also a fellow half-blood, is an interesting contrast to Gem. He's able to shift and control both sides of himself without conflict. But, like Gem, he's not without his own problems. He comes with a murky past and the memories haunt him, even if he can't remember them. Each new character, it seems, all have their own conflicts to fight and their own personal struggles to work through, but I'm thinking Delta may be the winner in that regard. Despite the fact that he wasn't present for the majority of the story, there were quite a few references to him being an "extraordinary" (in the foreboding sense), kind of half-blood, and I'm hoping that's explored more in the following book. Oh, and I need more Li'el. And if that ending is anything to go by, I'm sure I'll get my wish.

Bottom line - Chaos Rises is a fantastic first entry in the new Veil spinoff series. Established fans of the Veil series will love the familiarity of the already established world while being introduced to new characters, and even being reunited with ones who made an appearance in the Veil series. For newcomers to Pippa DaCosta and her demons, rest assured that you can jump right in with this book and not miss a beat.

**Many thanks to Pippa DaCosta for providing a copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books712 followers
November 29, 2016
The world of the Veil series is back!

When I learned this was a spinoff, I jumped in and tore through the Veil books like they were wrapping paper on Christmas morning. You don’t have to read those books to enjoy this one, but I will say that you should read them… simply because they were just that good.

We were first introduced to Gem and her brother Del in the previous series. They’re half bloods who were raised by the nefarious Institute and trained to kill demons. It wasn’t until the world went to hell that they were busted out, and now they are trying to live outside of those stifling walls for the first time in their lives. They rely on each other to keep their inner monsters in check. They also rely on PC34A, the drug they got from the Institute to suppress their baser urges. The thing is, now that they are free from their old masters, they have to depend on a new one to get their fix.

The story started out a little slow for me. But to be fair, there was a lot of building to do. I had to get to know Gem, who is very different from Muse. And it was difficult to accept her relationship with Allard, her demon “master.” But, as with the Veil books, the world building is fantastic, and the book got better and more engaging, the longer I read.

The basic premise: Del has gone missing and Gem will do anything in her power to get her brother back. But she is hindered by her need for the PC34A. It’s not an addiction, but it’s the only thing that allows her to maintain her humanity. And she knows that without the control it gives her, her demon will do what it was trained to do: kill.

Along the way, we’re introduced to another half-demon, Torrent, who may be a love interest down the line, but there’s barely a whiff of that here. He’s a mysterious guy and I look forward to unraveling more of his backstory. I can’t decide if he was a monster or a tortured hero or some strange combination of the two. But I do know I want more of him.

Fans of the Veil books will be excited to see the Prince of Pride return. And the other main demons of the story are so richly evil, it’s almost a guilty pleasure to read about them.

It was tough at times to see what Gem was willing to endure to get her drug. And it was sad to recognize how little of human life she had, when it is so very important to her. But it was very cool to watch her ascend into her demon… to let it all go when she had to. This is one powerful woman and once she is willing to embrace both sides of herself, nothing is going to stand in her way.

Bring on book 2!

Rating: B

*ARC provided for review
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,935 reviews160 followers
June 27, 2016
I should start this review by disclosing two very important things. First, the eARC for Chaos Rises (Chaos Rises, #1) was kindly provided by the author Pippa DaCosta in exchange for an honest review. Second, I'm familiar with Pippa's Veil series which starts with Beyond the Veil. *looks around & whispers* I named my American bobtail Muse shhhh! As a preexisting fan I'm writing this review with people like me in mind. My hope is to cover some concerns preexisting fans may have about originality/similarities.
Chaos Rises (Chaos Rises, #1) is a spinoff of the Veil series & takes place 6 months after the Veil is sealed in Ties That Bind. If you're aquatinted with the Veil series you'll be familiar with Pippa's writing style, the world, the different species, & more importantly some of the characters. Happily we're graced with the return of The Prince of Pride (among others). If I had to hazard a guess i'd expect he'll play a major role in this series.*jumps up & down clapping* Not all characters in the Chaos Rises series will be "old friends", nor is the h a clone of Muse.
In Chaos Rises we meet plenty of new characters including but not limited to Gemma & her brother Delta, half breeds bred in labs for the sole purpose of ending demonic lives. Needless to say the fact these half breeds are weapons gives this series a different feel. Gemma's dedication to her brother's wellbeing & the tunnel vision she displays throughout the book is astounding. In addition to Gemma's ability to be single minded in her purpose, Gemma also displays a frightening determination to stay with her brother Del (@times it seems codependent imo). Her background lends itself to an endless ability to kill & a limited knowledge of life outside the lab, resulting in a relentless pursuit of control. (to say she's a control freak is an understatement.)
Her brother Del although an integral part of Gemma's life & the plot we're exposed to him perhaps a few paragraphs worth in two chapters. That limited introduction keeps him firmly in the "unknown" column. I should clarify this story is told from Gemma's POV. Sometimes what we think & how we feel concerning another person's feelings/actions isn't entirely accurate. How well does Gemma really know her brother? Is assuming she knows her brother's inner most feelings, thoughts, & secrets naiveté, arrogance, or simple truth? To be fair the siblings socialization was limited to themselves & scientists the majority of their lives was lived in the labs.
Speaking of they're limited access & opportunities... I was really surprised by the sacrifices Gemma was willing to accept in effort to reach her goals. I'm not a hundred percent convinced by male (who shall remain nameless due to possible spoilers) "friendnemy" feelings, actions, or willingness to assist is genuine. However her willingness to sacrifice the halfbreed referred to as "friendnemy" both emotionally & physically with what appeared to be limited care or thought for his wellbeing was unexpected. I suppose a limited morality is in alignment with lack of exposure to societal norms in her upbringing. i.e. no preconceived notion of right & wrong to impact her thought process or actions. Take the direct route, survive, & let the bodies lay were they may in the end. Ironically demon-like behavior. I suppose the end's justify the means mentality has a VERY limited amount of room for guilt.
I should warn this book ends in a massive cliffhanger.
I should also mention although the potential existed don't expect any romance in this book. See single minded blah blah blah above. In the infamous words of Sweet Brown "Ain't nobody got time for that"
What you should definitely make time for is reading Chaos Rises it was well edited, had a tight plot, & was a very entertaining read. I stayed up all night reading this book.
I for one will be continuing this series.

So you may be reading the review & pondering why 3 stars?
-1 star for cliffhanger ending & -1 star due to its slow start. It took me a few days to get passed the 20% mark. That said I gave a 2 star rating to the first book in the Kate Daniels series & a 3 star review to the first book in the veil series & they turned out to be amongst my favorite series. So please don't let my rating detour you.
Profile Image for Sharon L.
594 reviews95 followers
July 4, 2016
This is going to be a very short review, with a need to know information only.

Basically here is what you need to know, if you consider reading this book:
1. Gem is awesome
2. The world post The Veil series is scary awesome shit and so thrilling you need to read this.
3. Demons everywhere, sexy demons, manipulating demons, demons communication. Damn, but when you read this book you realize they are different- the way they act, think, demonstrate their power. and Damn are they HOT or what?
4. Twists, turns everywhere, you don;t know who to trust. You can't be sure what will happen next. or in other words- Pippa's usual trademark of messing with your feelings and your mind is evident here.
5. Gem really loves and cares for her brother, their connection is unique and I personally think it added a lot to this book and their characters. Don't get me wrong, if you read The Veil series than you know Muse and she's made of stardust, but Gem and Dell's sibling relationship? I loved that. They were everything for each other, for such a long time. Can you imagine that?
6. You can read this book and you wouldn't be lost even if you are not familiar with The Veil series
Though, you should read The Veil series since it's awesome, but hey, your choice.

Really, Pippa Dacosta knows how to make the dark, small shriveled thing I call a heart beat like crazy and twist with agony. She makes me feel too much, and yet, I can't stop. I don't want to.

The Bottom line: READ THIS. no, I mean it READ THIS NOW

An ARC was kindly provided by the Ever Awesome Pippa Dacosta in exchange for an honest review. We have a deal, Pippa and I, it's a simple one really- she writes awesome things and I read them (Thus, she gives me my fix of much needed things that were written by Pippa Dacosta and I am on the Rollercoaster!!!). Sorry, this is an honest review, but I am a fan of the author and her other works, so I can't promise I am not completely biased in her favor as I need more Pippa's books. But then again, if she wasn't so good, so talented and just made of awesome- would I love her books the way I do?
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
December 19, 2017
23/09/17 Buddy Read with the amazing UF freaks of BB&B! Because it's a Pippa book and we're all devoted worshippers.

Before I start I want to express my intense joy (I started screaming and my mother came running to see what's going on) at the announcement of a third instalment to this series. As if I wasn't excited enough about this reread.

Gem, an Institute half-blood is the MC of the first two books of the series and because of her upbringing I cut her a lot of slack. She's so painfully naive and that makes me feel so protective of her. At the same time she's a badass demon killer and beware all who get on her bad side.

As this is a reread for me I was more focused on some scenes and managed to see some clues as to what happens in the following book that are so obvious in hindsight. And it makes me feel so bad for poor little Gem. She might know how to disembowel a demon but she has zero knowledge as to how to communicate and see other people's intentions. Knowing what's in store for her I want to shelter her and give her a chance at normalcy, at a real human connection. It's incredible how much you can discover about a book when you go back and read it all over again!

Li'el aka the Prince of Pride makes an appearance here and quickly steals the show. I just adore him and can't wait to get my hands on the third instalment which promises to feature him as a MC. He's everything a Prince of Hell should be but at the same time has an appreciation for humans that no other demon ever developed. How can I not love him? I enjoyed every single sentence he was part of so damn much that I never wanted those scenes to end. yeah, yeah, I know I sound like a 13 yo fangirl but I don't give a f@ck! I need more of him and I need it now. Thankfully our buddy read calls for reading both books in a week so I can start the next book immediately!

Original review:
After reading a really dull book the other day I decided that I need something that I will love for sure so I turned to the one and only Pippa DaCosta for a guaranteed hit. And I scored gold!

Chaos Rises is set in the world of The Veil series, which is one of the most exciting fictional worlds I've ever had the privilege of encountering. It's technically a sequel series but you don't need to have read it to enjoy CR. Still I firmly believe that if you have you would appreciate Gem even more. Because I've read the Veil I won't be able to separate the two series so be warned there might be spoilers for both this book and the entire Veil series ahead.

We first encountered Gem and her brother back in the Veil series and they were wards/guinea pigs/prisoners of the Institute. I felt so sorry for them because being at the non-existent mercy of the Institute (aka Fanatic Central) is just as bad as being a slave in hell. But since at the time I was focused on other things (like whether Muse will survive and have any humanity left thanks to all of Akil's machinations) I don't remember what happened to them. Thankfully my buddies and I are planing to buddy read the series in a couple of weeks (well it'll be a reread for me and Choko but the rest are first timers and I can't wait to see what they think!). I just remember that they were powerful, brainwashed little weapons.

Now we meet them 6 months after the end of the Veil and the world is a changed place. The Veil (the boundary separating our world from the Netherworld aka Hell, not the series) is firmly in place and there's no longer traffic between the worlds. But not all demons are on the proper side of the Veil and those remaining here are doing their best to survive and thrive. Usually at other demons exence. But that's demons for you - they care only for themselves. Lovely creatures aren't they? Gem and her brother Del are half-bloods so the purebloods generally want them dead or on a leash. Gem "works" for a demon named Allard.

Allard reminds me of Akil - a conniving, treacherous bastard. Needless to say I loved him. And wanted to kill him but that's beside the point. You see he is what a higher demon should be. Not some cleaned up, romanticized, PG 13 version of a demon like in a lot of PNR and YA urban fantasy *gag*. And that's why I like him. He will do anything and I do mean anything to get what he wants. He is not a misunderstood lost soul in need of saving, that only needs the pure love of a courageous woman to redeem him *eyeroll*. Yeah, I've come across those and they are pathetic excuse for demons. You would say that he is the villain of the book but as with Akil from the Veil series, that's not necessary true. One moment he is the bad guy, the next he saves the day. And it's all part of a masterplan. And it keeps the reader on the edge of the seat because until you've read the last page of the series (yes the series) you can't be sure of the real motivations of any of the characters apart the MC.

Same goes for Torrent, though he is a mirror of Stephan from the Veil. Needless to say I'm rooting for poor Torrent and hope he will survive. There were some sparks flying between him and Gem but I'm partial to a certain Prince of Hell so I can't really decide if I want Torrent to win Gem over or if I want her to hook up with Pride. Or maybe both, or none. I'll be happy with whichever way Ms. DaCosta takes this because I know it will be awesome and full of surprises!
Profile Image for Dana aka ♥Belladonna♥ .
808 reviews176 followers
July 2, 2016
Ahh, to be back in The Veil world; where demons are sexy and sly and every deed is self-serving. Oh, Veil world, how I’ve missed you!

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Hiding out from the Institute, Half-bloods Gem and Del seek refuge with the demon Allard. In exchange for their care and protection, they do “jobs” for him. Jobs that no-one else in their right mind would risk. But when you are dealing with a demon, not all things are as they seem. When one job goes very, very wrong and her brother, Del, disappears, Gem needs to needs to decide to what lengths she will go to get her brother back.

In true Pippa DaCosta fashion, Chaos Rises is action packed and filled with characters you love to hate and hate to love. Duplicity reigns in the new world after The Veil and deciding who to trust is tricky. While I loved Gem (even if she was a bit naive and rash), my true favorite was Torrent, a hottie half-blood water elemental with mad crossbow skills who can shift to have a tail. A TAIL. *sigh*

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*don’t judge me people*

While it is possible to read this as a separate series, I really recommend you read The Veil series first. Especially if you have plans to read it at some point. The events in this book/series take place directly after the events in that series and, as such, contain spoilers to what happens in the conclusion of that series.

As for me, I can’t wait to see where the next book take us. Because that ending. Heck yeah! I freakin’ loved that ending!

*A copy was provided to CGSR Book Blog in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Celeste.
846 reviews59 followers
May 7, 2018
There was nothing truly wrong with this book apart from the fact that I just could not give a shit about the characters. I mean the world building is on point, it's detailed, it's dark and it's vicious. Which wasn't what I was expecting at all, but it was lovely all the same. You gotta love an author that commits to her characters having shitty lives.

My problem was I was picturing Gem, our half blood heroine, in the restaurant with Torrent, and all I could see was someone who would look like a strung out manic-pixie-girl-druggie? And I don't know I guess I just could't relate to the brokeness that was Gem. I quite liked Torrent, but Gem was always just cold towards him. And then there was all the biting and wanting to eat him and the use of the word 'ruck' over and over again, and I found it all disturbing and weird.
Profile Image for Cheryl La Pa.
395 reviews66 followers
June 17, 2016
This is a spin-off to the Veil series, which I haven’t read, but it didn’t impact on my enjoyment of the book.

I was taken on an emotional roller coaster ride into Gem’s world as she adapts to the real world after escaping the Institute, and tries desperately to find her missing brother.

Gem is fighting the mental demons of her life at the Institute whilst trying to suppress her own demon which she controls through medication. In contrast, Torrent has learnt to live with his demon which he fully controls.

Torrent is sexy and powerful, and Gem finds him unpredictable and intriguing, as well as crucial in her search for her brother.

I love the special of relationship between Gem and her brother, Dell, and can understand her anxiety at not having him by her side for the first time in her life.

If you love a well-written, action-packed urban fantasy with an intriguing mystery, kick-ass heroine, heart-stopping suspense and smouldering romance to boot, then this book is for you.

I eagerly await the next instalment so that I can my fix of Gem and Torrent, as well as getting to know Del better.

Many thanks to Pippa DaCosta for providing a copy in exchange for my honest opinion.
772 reviews74 followers
July 1, 2016
So I was banging around on Netgalley, coming off an Urban Fantasy high from reading An Unhuman Journey, when I found Chaos Rising and it was listed as both UF and Romance. Heck yes! The author had good ratings for another series and this is the first in a new one so I requested that sucker as fast as I could.

Once I cracked it open, I read a bit, got confused, read a bit more, and got more confused. It’s a spinoff series so I expected a bit of that, but I felt like I was thrown in the deep end without lessons or even those floaty thingies. Once I finally started figuring things out, I was hoping I’d start enjoying it more, but this was not to be.

This is a well-written book and I’m sure fans of the other series will adore it. My main problem with it stems from the fact that it’s categorized as a romance, and there is NONE. Not one bit. There’s a girl who may or may not eventually end up with a certain guy but it never happens in this book. In fact in this book, they have no loyalty whatsoever to each other and take turns betraying the other person. This is not romance. This isn’t even admiration from afar.

My other issue is it’s unbelievably, soul-crushingly depressing. I don’t mind a dark book but I need occasional rays of light to shine through the darkness. This had none. There was a hopeless air to it that clung to the pages like kudzu. It felt like every other sentence we are reminded that half-breeds are always owned and it never goes well for them. Even the Empire Strikes Back had humor to it, even as they were encasing Han in carbonite.

Nothing about this book worked for me. The heroine kept banging her head against the same wall, there wasn’t really a hero, and at the end, I felt like the book ended but it hadn’t really gone anywhere. But, and this is a huge but, if I had been expecting a straight up UF I may not have minded this. It had decently written characters with lots of layers to them and an interesting plot. If I was rating it based on it UF tag, it would get a higher rating. Unfortunately, it is tagged as a romance. My first thought was 2 stars, but I can’t in good conscience rate it that low.

3 Not A Romance but An Okay Dark Urban Fantasy Book Stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

For this review and more, check out EDGy Reviews
Profile Image for Bambi Unbridled.
1,286 reviews140 followers
August 18, 2016
I have been looking for some new urban fantasy series lately and thought I would give this new one from Pippa DaCosta a try. When the Veil separating the Netherworld from our world fell, hordes of demons came through and carved a wide swath of death and destruction through the world. The majority of this story took place in post-war Los Angeles, where demons and half-bloods continue to terrorize each other and humans. There are countless varieties of higher and lesser demons, some that can wear human skin, but many that cannot. There are also human-demon half-bloods which were created through genetic mutation by a government entity known as The Institute. These half-bloods were created to hunt and kill demons but, after escaping The Institute, must result to being owned by higher demons.

The heroine of this series is a half-blood known as Gamma or Gem, who was created by The Institute along with her brother, Delta (Del). Gem relies on the injection of a drug, PC34A, to suppress her demon and allow her human side to maintain control. However Gem's dual nature was in constant conflict. I particularly liked her ice demon side - it seemed more fun and certainly would be eye-catching. For as long as she can remember, it's always been Gem and Del against the world. When Del goes missing early on in the book, she decides to do whatever necessary to get him back. This includes betraying people and submitting to a higher demon when necessary. Unfortunately for Gem, many of her decisions made me not like her very much. I didn't have a connection to her character at all and so my feelings shifted between indifference and downright dislike.

There was no cut-and-dry hero of this story. Gem's brother Del was missing for most of the story, and Allard the demon was more of a villain. Another half-blood, Torrent, was quite impressive and by Gem's side for a good part of the story, but there was no romance between them. It was quite the opposite in fact. I liked Torrent more than Gem, so how she treated him rubbed me the wrong way every time. But as much as I liked Torrent, I didn't quite understand him either. We don't learn much about his character, perhaps because he doesn't remember anything himself prior to the last six months when the Veil was closed. But I would have liked to know more about him and hope he plays a bigger role in future books. I also liked Li'el, the Prince of Pride, but he really only played on the periphery of the story. I think he will play a much bigger role in the next book, and I am curious enough to keep reading.

This is a spinoff series and, unfortunately, I think the original series is necessary reading prior to Chaos Rises. I felt totally lost for most of the book. I didn't quite understand the world building or who the players were, so I think I missed all the necessary world building that must have occurred in The Veil series. Once I have time to go back and read that series, I will continue on with this one.

I received a copy of this book at no cost via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 2.5 stars / 1 flame. Full review posted at Bambi Unbridled.
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Profile Image for Jenny Whetzel.
422 reviews26 followers
February 8, 2017
I am soooo glad Pippa is continuing with the series. The reader can't help be happy and relaxed as they read this book. As many other GR reviewers say, "I am home." That is exactly what it feels like. The ONLY reason I gave this four stars is because I miss Muse. :( I couldn't help of think of her the whole time I was reading Gem's story. I really hope she lets Muse run into them. I will continue the series regardless. :)
Profile Image for Yellagirlgc.
404 reviews43 followers
December 23, 2016
3.5 stars
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Gem and Del are brother and sister created in the Institutes Delta Gamma demon human hybrid program. They were created as weapons to kill demons for humans. Taught to kill from the age of 5. After their rescue from the Institute and trip from the veil their found by Allard and he takes possession of them because everyone know half bloods are owned.
There was action during the fights between demons. The love Gem felt for Del was apparent and I cheered her saving her brother on. Towards the middle it got a tad slow but the end made up for it. This was my first trip behind the veil and now I'm ready to see what other Chaos Rises.
109 reviews
June 4, 2016
Oh, how glorious it is to be back in this world. Getting to know Gem and Del and Allard and Torrent - it has the warm feel of home. If home were Hell on earth. The characters are beautifully flawed, as all Demons are. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Lyndi W..
2,043 reviews199 followers
Shelved as 'd-n-f'
March 26, 2018
First we start with a little brother-sister sexual arousal that totally did not need mentioning. Then we just jump right into "What the fuck is happening here?" None of this makes sense and nothing is explained. I'm pretty sure I'm reading about a half-demon slave with a drug addiction and an obsession with her brother, but I don't find that interesting, so I'm done here.
Profile Image for Shawnie.
654 reviews52 followers
May 5, 2018
I'm going to read The Veil series first and come back to this. Didn't realize it was first.
Profile Image for Chelsies Reading Escape.
631 reviews401 followers
October 25, 2019
Actual Rating: 2.5 Stars

I first decided to look up the summary for this book because of the beautiful rich colors on the cover. Not only does it have great reviews but based on the summary I thought it might be exactly what I needed to satisfy my urban fantasy craving. I think I would have enjoyed this more a few years ago when I was really into urban fantasy.

Half Bloods are Half Demon and Half Human creatures who are usually owned and controlled by higher demons. The main character and her brother are half bloods who were created, trained and tortured by a goverment institute in the hopes of making them into weapons against demons.

When the veil between world fell and demons started invading earth the main character and her brother were able to escape the institute. After being recruited by a higher demon the main characters brother goes missing. While fighting to keep her demon under control she must navigate dangerous demons to find her brother.

With all the mediocre writing out there in the urban fantasy genre its refreshing to get a book thats well written. All the books Ive read by Dacosta have been a quick and easy read. The writting and the pace flowed wonderfully. The demon infested world that Dacosta created was interesting but it felt a little too unrealistic for me. I think I would have enjoyed the world more if I had started with the other Veil series.

It took me a little bit to get into it because I had other review books that were due and I wasnt really compelled to pick it up and keep reading. However once I started reading I felt very immersed in the story and finished it quickly. It was the kind of book that I didnt want to pick up but then didnt want to put down. I think thats mostly due to the excellent writing that just pulls you from one sentence to the next.

I thought the main characters control issues were a little annoying at times. I also had a difficult time getting over some of the bad decisions she made. I knew why she made them, but they were still frustrating because I kept thinking what I would do if I was in her position. By the end of the book I didnt care as much about the main character as I should have.

I think her struggles with her demon was very symbolic to our own inner struggles. I love seeing these important themes even if they were unintentional. I also thought Allard was a mysterious and complexe character, and more than a little intimidating. Torrent was an interesting mix of strength and vulnerability. Surprinsgly, I didnt mind Torrents and the main characters relationship.

This was by no means a bad book. Its had many great reviews. I think it just wasnt for me personally. The story fell a little flat because I didnt get to know her brother and had a difficult time caring what happened to him, which was her main motivation throughout the book. I still think a lot of people could really like this book. If you really love urban fantasy then I would suggest giving this a try.

I got this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Addiction Theme Shelf because of the syrium the half bloods need to take to control their demons ressembled addiction recovery programs medication people can take to help manage their addiction.

My Ratings:
5 stars = Absolutely Amazing
4 stars = Loved it but its missing something
3 stars = Enjoyed it but had a few issues
2 stars = It was ok but had a lot of issues
1 star = Didnt enjoy it (probably didnt finish)
Profile Image for Mikky.
819 reviews219 followers
July 26, 2016
Originally posted at:

* I received an eARC from the author in exchange of an honest review.

Mrs. Dacosta has done it again. I adored this book. This book left me with so many emotions that it may take a while to sift through. I felt like I was being bombarded by every twist and turn of the plot. Yet, at the same time, I felt like I was running around in circles the entire book and loving every minute of it.

I liked how unstable Gem (AKA Gamma) seemed to be. In The Veil series, it's said that the Institute's 'experiment half bloods' are unstable, be it power wise or mentally. I liked how it was written. Gem's unhinged and volatile nature came off very distinctly throughout the novel.

Torrent started out so fierce and 'easy going', but ended up seeming just as cold and heartless as every other demon Gem encountered. I understood the reasoning behind it, because if I were betrayed and tortured that many times in an apocalyptic world you can bet I would eventually get to a state of mind where no fucks would be given. Even so, I want them together. Their powers are almost complementary to each other and the chemistry is there. I hope Gem can help him in some way.

The ending was so awesome and yet so heartbreaking. I loved what happened to Allard because he totally got what he deserved. With Gem, for a few seconds, I actually thought that things were going to work out, but I should have known that the author would strike. Even though things weren't perfect they could be fixed with time. Then all of a sudden Torrent happens and things seem to go right back to square one.

My Favorite Quotes:

"They'd made me their weapon. Now watch me work."

"They didn't yet know that chaos can't be controlled."

"If they wanted me to rise, so be it. I'd rise, and I'd do exactly what I was made to do: kill them."
Profile Image for Kat Desi.
Author 2 books71 followers
June 29, 2016

This is how it feels to dive right back into the world of The Veil except we have somewhat new characters (somewhat, because we have come across some of these characters at some point in The Veil).

The author did not hesitate in throwing us into mayhem almost immediately which I absolutely did not mind. With no hesitation, I let myself become immersed into the life of Gem, a half-blood and her brother, Del. I braced myself for the ride that is Chaos. The book lived up to its series name although only partially; I have a feeling that we won't get the full impact of Chaos until book 2 comes out which I hope does not take too long (wink) because this book left me clamoring for more, more, more!

This author is most known for three things; her amazing writing skills, her worldbuilding and her fast-paced plots. She definitely did not disappoint with Chaos Rises.

While I would recommend this to everyone, I would first recommend to read The Veil for the full experience but you know what, the bottom line is just read any book this author ever wrote. You won't be in any way disappointed.

This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
November 9, 2017
NOTE: Chaos Rises is more of an adult read.

I LOVED Chaos Rises! I finished it in 2 days! I had everything a good book should have. A gripping plot, great/sassy characters, a hint of romance, and lots of action.

It's set in post Apocolyptic America after "The Fall" whereby Demons were unleashed on the world. We follow Gem, a half ice demon who is trying her best to get her brother, a half chaos demon back. Torrent is the other main character, although we only see from Gem's perspective here. Torrent is a half water demon. I loved his and Gem's rapport that they had with each other. In trying to save herself and Delta (Gem's brother) what has Gem let herself in for though? I'm excited to see this in the next book....

The ONLY thing I wish this book had had is a romance between Gem and Torrent. It's clear they wanted each other. In the next book I'm doubtful this will happen but I still really want to read it.

I'm giving Chaos Rises 4 stars because the story just flowed really nicely. I loved the descriptions of Torrent and Gem as demons as well. As I said above the only thing lacking for me was the romance aspect.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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